automated financial claims software


uk-based company delivering efficiency-enhancing claims processing solutions and services.

business type

business process delivery, automation, claims processing, start up


ux, ui, graphic design, html, css, js, website, saas

loglaim is an old logican's product, a windows application which has, in it's 20 years of existence, largely overgrown it's initial design frame. my assignment was to help build new, modern, user friendly version of it.

after examining our users it became clear it should be a three part system: logiclaim for agents, for clients and admin.

in this article, we're covering the work done for agents and clients.



onboards new clients and makes sure their case is going smoothly.

adult, technically literate, Used to Microsoft Windows, Office, Outlook, financial and legal applications, legacy and modern. Also Gmail, Chrome, Android..

Uses laptop on work, tablet and mobile when on the way.

manages loads of clients

focused on personal case and info


submits their personal and case info, uploads documents, signs letter of authority and monitors the case progress.

a cross section of several “sub” personas. we use it for covering the widest range of users. uses primarily mobile.

one of the crutial differences between these two broad user groups is, clients are focus on them selves, they want to submit their case and get paid out. on the other hand, agent is focused on many different clients and needs to cover loads of different cases.

within these two broad definitions, more subtle sub-groups of users existed.

user flow

with the users defined and set we're able to outline their separate user flows.


with it's several goals, agent user flow has branches and is more complex than that of the client


client user flow is straight forward, with one clear goal ahead

at this moment, we were ready to start working on interactive wireframes.

even though they were feeding the same database, the two parts of the system, the one for agents and the one for clients looked fundamentally different.


while agents are mostly office workers, using desktops and laptops with a complex software, clients are regular people working on their side in their free time using mobile phones.

for agents

for clients

as part of our longterm time and money saving strategy in Logican, we produced a base template we used across applications. it’s bootstrap based and primarily ready for building vue.js components.

the template consists of a set of components we’ve repeatedly used across applications and an app specific style set.

with the base theme in place, we were able to jump right from high fidelity wireframes into developing html components.

final styling and marketing could take place.


[ui design, html, css, js]

the website consists of several landing pages targeting claims agencies.

saas for agents

[ui design, html, css, js]

although logiclaim for agents is en enterprise style web application, primarily meant to be used on destops and a bit less on tablets, it is fully responsive and fully functional on mobile phones to.

saas for clients

[ui design, html, css, js]

logiclaim for clients comes with base theme and is ready to be used like that, but it is designed to be branded for each agency individually. when branded, it blends in with agency's website and becomes part of it.

different agency styles

logiclaim project is ongoing, with new user insights coming in every day, we’re always finding ways to improve. on the other hand marketing, ads and posters are being produced to advertise on main uk marketers and events.

for more on aqqord please visit